
October 17, 2010

Men At Arms - Medieval Crossbowman

As I posted before, I am going to do Lowpoly models for a while, because of technical issues. You can't do Highpoly with about 500 MB RAM -_- ...

I decided to do a medieval english crossbowman with less than 5000 Tris including all props.

After the Diffuse is done, I'll be modelling two more medieval soldiers. And maybe a whole series of variations.

Ah, and maybe you've noticed a little change to the blog's layout and style. I added a banner and a Portfolio page. As a start it's a lot the same as in Eddie Munoz's Blog, because I liked it a lot when I had a look at it today. Took some time to figure out how it works, therefore it still looks very similiar. I'm going to change it as soon as possible, because it's a little ballsy to copy it so obviously.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the design. can´t wait to see the final!